Peace Begins with Me – Really?

Specifically, what does it take? What do I do to resolve conflict, to build peace, and to “create an enlightened society one conversation at a time”?

On Tuesday, July 17th, you can attend a free two-hour workshop to explore the approach of Nonviolent Communication®. Facilitated by myself and my life partner, Foster Walker, you will get a taste of the simple 4-step process that has the power to transform ourselves, our relationships, and our world. We are delighted to have this opportunity to share with you how this approach inspires and empowers peace-building.

The founder of NVC, Nonviolent Communication®, Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg, now in his 70s, has spent his life helping thousands around the world to “speak peace.” Nonviolent Communication, also called Compassionate Communication, is based on historical principles of nonviolence—the natural state of compassion when no violence is present in the heart. NVC reminds us what we already instinctively know about how good it feels to connect authentically.

The challenge is to hear our own deeper needs and those of others, rather than the isolating and habitual judgments we’ve picked up along the way. With an emphasis on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—we discover the depth of our own compassion, our natural capacity for harmony and creative collaboration. We come to realize that all human beings are only trying to honor universal values and needs, every minute, every day.

Join us to experience this process of communication. It can be seen as both a spiritual practice that helps us see our common humanity, and a concrete set of skills that facilitate genuine connection.

Summer of Peace Calgary 2012let’s do our part to disengage from our own “enemy images” and to open our hearts to what we yearn so deeply for: PEACE.