September 2014 – Newsletter excerpts

Are you enjoying summer weather after the devastating snowfall? Here are some photos for you, a day before and a day after the unseasonal dump of snow, September 8th and 9th…
newsletter-image-2014fall“Kiran, Mystic Girl in the City on Tour” author of Tools for Sanity will be in Calgary this month, September 26–28, 2014 Theme: Live Your True Nature in the World
Check out this video clip, Authenticity, the Path to Freedom”

I’m very happy to have recently discovered, and to sharebookcover_the-transparency-of-things-contemplating-the-nature-of-experience
with you, the work of Rupert Spira, a contemporary spiritual teacher, author of The Transparency of Things: Contemplating the Nature of Experience. I especially love the wisdom and clarity in this YouTube video, 7 minutes,
“The Cause of Conflicts in Relationships”

Wishing you well this fall equinox and the entire autumn season.